"Goya Contemporary’s ‘Thread Lines’ – fiber works with personal as well as social commentary"
By Susan Isaacs
"Goya Contemporary’s ‘Thread Lines’ – fiber works with personal as well as social commentary"
By Susan Isaacs
Featuring: Louise Fishman, Joyce J. Scott, Soledad Salamé, Jo Smail, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Charles Mason III, Alan Shields, Sonya Clark, Sanford Biggers, David Brown
Featuring: Charles Mason III, Sonya Clark, Elizabeth Talford Scott, Joyce J. Scott, Sanford Biggers, Betty Cooke, Christine Neill, Soledad Salmé, Fanny Sanín, Lynn Silverman, Timothy App, David Brown, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Alan Shields
Featuring: Charles Mason III, Sonya Clark, Joyce J. Scott, Alan Shields, Louisa Chase, Jo Smail, Christine Neill, Lillian Bayley Hoover, David Brown, Lynn Silverman, Soledad Salmé, Sanford Biggers, Elizabeth Talford Scott, Brandon Ballengée