"Surface to Air: Rekindling Max Blagg's thoughts on Sally Egbert as "The Sky Years" is on exhibit at Tripoli Gallery, Wainscott, NY."
By James Salomon
"Surface to Air: Rekindling Max Blagg's thoughts on Sally Egbert as "The Sky Years" is on exhibit at Tripoli Gallery, Wainscott, NY."
By James Salomon
Featuring: Louise Fishman, Soledad Salamé, Sally Egbert, Timothy App, Joyce J. Scott, Elizabeth Talford Scott, Sonya Clark
Featuring: Amalie R. Rothschild, Joyce J. Scott, Jo Smail, Sonya Clark, Kyle Hackett, Sally Egbert, Liliana Porter, Louisa Chase, Sanford Biggers, Lynn Silverman, Soledad Salamé, Fanny Sanín, Christine Neill
Featuring: Amalie R. Rothschild, Joyce J. Scott, Elizabeth Talford Scott, Sonya Clark, Trace Miller, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Sally Egbert, Sanford Biggers, Louisa Chase, Liliana Porter, Soledad Salamé, Christine Neill
Featuring: Madeleine Keesing, Sally Egbert, Soledad Salamé, Joyce J. Scott, Liliana Porter, Sanford Biggers, Jo Smail, Trace Miller, Lynn Silverman
Featuring: Lynn Silverman, Trace Miller, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Christine Neill, Timothy App, Jo Smail, Joyce J. Scott, Madeleine Keesing, Sally Egbert
Featuring: Etel Adnan, Oliver Boberg, Judy Pfaff, Wilhelm Mundt, Sally Egbert, Louisa Chase, Christine Neill, Donald Baechler, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Mark Strand, Joyce J. Scott, Jo Smail, Fanny Sanín, Sonya Clark, David Hess, Sanford Biggers, Soledad Salamé
"Goya Contemporary exhibit addresses humans and nature"
Written by Tim Smith
Featuring: Etel Adnan, Oliver Boberg, Judy Pfaff, Wilhelm Mundt, Sally Egbert, Louisa Chase, Christine Neill, Donald Baechler, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Mark Strand, Joyce J. Scott, Fanny Sanín, Liliana Porter, Sonya Clark, David Hess, Sanford Biggers, Soledad Salamé
Featuring: Joyce J. Scott, Sonya Clark, Bill Schmidt, Louise Fishman, Sally Egbert, Timothy App, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Jo Smail, Brandon Ballengée, Madeleine Keesing
Featuring: Joyce J. Scott, Sonya Clark, Timothy App, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Jo Smail, Christine Neill, Bill Schmidt, Soledad Salamé, Louise Fishman, Liliana Porter, Sally Egbert, Madeleine Keesing, William Kentridge
Featuring: Soledad Salamé, Joyce J. Scott, Liliana Porter, Christine Neill, Brandon Ballengée, Rosy Keyser, John Beech, Sam Gilliam, Sérgio Sister, David Hess, Marie Bower, Wilhelm Mundt, Paula Wilson, Jo Smail, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Sally Egbert, Timothy App, Louise Fishman
Featuring: Brandon Ballengée, Rosy Keyser, John Beech, Sam Gilliam, Sérgio Sister, David Hess, Marie Bower, Wilhelm Mundt, Paula Wilson, Joyce J. Scott, Jo Smail, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Sally Egbert, Timothy App, Louise Fishman
Featuring: Timothy App, Jo Smail, William Kentridge, Sally Egbert, Lillian Bayley Hoover, Joyce J. Scott, Betty Cooke, Christine Neill, Louise Fishman
"2 Artists, 1 School, Results That Differ Significantly"
Written by Benjamin Genocchio
"History and Memory: The Muses of Abstraction"
Written by Elizabeth Fasolino
"Sally Egbert at Fotouhi Cramer"
Written by Eileen Myles